Coming around again

I’ve just returned from holiday, more time spent in my beloved Normandy. Having only been there a month ago, it was quite something to witness how quickly the seasons unfold. It evoked David Hockney’s wonderful book “Spring cannot be cancelled”, written about his painting whilst residing in Normandy for the pandemic. Everywhere, apple, pear, cherry …

Cultivating 20/20 clarity

One of the hardest themes to write to in my forthcoming book was that of ‘karma’. Thankfully, I have a trustworthy mirror providing feedback on my first draft – my meditation mentor Crystal with whom I have worked with for nearly 10 years now. Over that time, Crystal and I have cultivated a relationship described …

Moments of meeting

As I sit to write this morning, I cup my hands around my coffee and cast my eyes out the window. I have a beautiful view of the Downs, the sun is shining, I feel the warmth of my coffee, I take a sip. Discrete moments in experience. Awareness seems to take over, and with …

Switching allegiance

Last week I shared some thoughts on the initial feedback offered by my kalyanamitra on my book manuscript . Crystal asked how my book could itself provide ‘spiritual friendship’ to other aspirants looking to bring together psychological and spiritual journeying. This week I wanted to share a second suggestion from Crystal: to consider the ending …

Manifesting as companion

I recently returned from a long weekend in my beloved Normandy, my home away from home. A much needed break, and one that carried a sense of threshold, one of emergence – for nature, and for me. Spring is enticing me out into the world once more. As well as a heart space and retreat …

Nine ways of seeing

Imagine nine people standing in a circle, facing inward. In the middle of that circle stands an elephant. If we were to travel around the circle asking each of those nine people about their experience, it wouldn’t be a surprise that each account would differ. The answer given by each of the nine wouldn’t simply …

Practicing the feminine life

A few weeks ago I had a powerful experience that left me feeling compelled to engage more actively with a feminist view and life. I was attending an online meeting with someone I had not met before; and while it was an interesting meeting in which the dialogue highlighted similarities and common ground, over time, …