Folding it all in

I’m in that strange bardo state commonly known as ‘jet lag’ having arrived back from a visit to Canada; Nova Scotia to be more precise…or to be right on the dollar, Halifax Shambhala Centre. Shambhala is the organisation originally formed by Tibetan Buddhist teacher Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. And while Shambhala has a history peppered with …

More Mandala magic

Last week’s post described some of the experiences in the first half of a four day block of mandala practice: the third out of the four practices of Ngondro. You might recall those first two days had me come face to face with a futility and deep questioning of “what an earth am I doing?” On …

Ocean and waves

In a post a few weeks ago I mentioned that one gauntlet thrown down by the Buddhist path is to hold simultaneously two, apparently contradictory “truths”. The Tricycle magazine’s website explains… “The doctrine of two truths—the absolute and the relative—holds that there are two ways of viewing the world: as things appear to be, and …

Life as mudra

On my recent retreat with Judy Lief in upstate New York, I took a deep dive into the teachings of “Mahamudra“. Literally translated, Mahamudra means “great seal” – and like a wax seal used in days gone by, a seal of authentication. The practices of Mahamudra reveal the ‘authentic’ nature of mind to the meditator; …

Moving along the arc

If you have explored my re-vamped website, you will know I now have a webpage dedicated to the offering I have for spiritual and psychological integration. The deeper I have taken my practice of Buddhism (and benefitted from its skilful means on the path of growth and healing), the more inspired I have been to bring …