pen to paper

Putting pen to paper

Just before sitting down to write this post, I sat quietly in order to re-connect with my experience on ‘writing retreat’. It has been 10 days since I returned home from Normandy. The space between the return and writing this blog has been intentional – a period of ‘incubation’; letting my ideas and experience in …

chapter one

Setting the intention

The main intention behind writing this blog and committing to that practice weekly was and still is to forge a writing habit as grounding for a book. Hand on heart, the motivation to blog has waned: not because I don’t enjoy it – I very much do; but rather because time and space to write …

experimental life

An experimental life

A few things have been coming together in the past week that have moved my book project back to the foreground of my awareness: the reading of a new text on Buddhist psychology and the gestalt therapy approach, and a few conversations with supervisees and students to name but two. It feels timely that I …

cant sleep

You need to get some sleep

Did you know this week is sleep awareness week? It’s the Sleep Foundation’s annual initiative aiming to highlight the importance of good sleep health for “individuals to best achieve their personal, family, and professional goals”. This year’s theme is “Begin with Sleep”, and I cannot help but see the irony (or synchronicity perhaps) that I …

full up

The challenge and opportunity of unstructured time

I’m currently studying an online course with the Buddhist teacher Reggie Ray – the course is “the somatic practice of pure awareness”. Over the 10 weeks, we (there are some 200 participants) are being offered meditation practices, teachings and reading that deepen the awareness of the body as the prime gateway for “awakening”. I am …

Mountain ride

The only way out is through

The way the sun cut through the twilight blue, the way the bird song had a tilt of optimism…little reminders; today I’ve been thinking back to years gone by when I would be spending time in warmer climes on training camps. For about 7 years, the first couple of weeks in February would be spent …

Dark night of the soul winter 2018 Poster 600x

Selling our souls

Last Friday saw my first visit to The Globe in London: the replica of the iconic building originally erected by Shakespeare and his playing company in 1599. I finally found a good excuse to visit – walking passed the venue back in the autumn, I saw a poster advertising an anthology of plays under the …

John Welwood

The legacy of a teacher: my tribute to John Welwood

A little over a week ago, a friend of mine dropped me a message to ask if I had “seen this? “. I hadn’t. As I read the headline I immediately connected to a deep sense of loss, sadness. One of my, if not THE, biggest influences in my current path had died. I wasn’t …