Being a psychotherapist

In the last post, I shared some of my experience of the training route to becoming a psychotherapist. This week, some more reflections from a less theoretical perspective… One main difference between a formative counselling training and a progression into psychotherapy training is that in the latter, one is now qualified and spending more time …

Re-search, me-search

Back from retreat, and with a momentary detour into the activities of marking and exam boards, back into retreat….of sorts. A research retreat: a chance to indwell in the data I have collected at the back end of 2023. I interviewed five humanistic therapists who had undergone the training journey of counselling then onto psychotherapy …

Stories to tell

As I complete one book’s birthing, thoughts have turned to what comes next on the writing front: I have many ideas. I sense there will always be many stories to tell along my life path as Buddhist-therapist-educator. Two ideas that I hope to come to fruition* are vying for my attention and affections. I am …